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The University College of Freiburg is the central body that promotes and manages international and interdisciplinary teaching activities. It complements and supports the work of the faculties in this field, serves as a laboratory for innovative teaching methods and teaching design, and includes programs such as the four-year Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (LAS). How to quickly obtain a certificate from the University of Freiburg. This program is the first undergraduate interdisciplinary degree program in English offered by the University of Freiburg and is unique in Germany. The program has been offered since the winter semester of 2012. Make a University of Freiburg diploma online。
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The University of Freiburg is the second Austrian Habsburg university after the University of Vienna. Like all medieval universities, the Albertina University had four faculties: Theology, Law, Medicine and Philosophy. Successful completion of philosophical studies in the seven liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy) leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree, which is a prerequisite for further studies in the other three faculties. Is it easy to buy a Universitat Freiburg diploma online? The number of students in the first decades was about 140. buy universitat freiburg diploma.
After preparatory work by Matthäus Hummels, the university began teaching on April 26, 1460. Hummel was chosen as the first director of the Albertina Museum, and his opening speech, written in Latin, was inspired by the famous saying of Solomon: Sapientia aedificavit sibi domum et excidit in ea columnas septem (Wisdom built herself a house and chiseled out seven columns). In the first part of the speech, Hummel praised wisdom and the pursuit of truth, and in the second part, he condemned the lack of education among the clergy of the time and sharply criticized the nepotism of the nobility.