Thames Valley University certificate
The university has its origins in 1860, when Lady Byron’s School was established, later renamed Ealing College of Higher Education. In 1992, the school, then known as West London Polytechnic, was renamed Thames Valley University (TVU). The best place to get a Thames Valley University degree. 18 years later, after several mergers, acquisitions and campus relocations, the school was renamed to its current name. How long does it take to get a Thames Valley University certificate?
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The University of West London consists of nine colleges: Claude Littner Business School, London Geller College of Hospitality and Tourism, Best Website to Buy Thames Valley University Diploma, School of Computing and Engineering, London College of Music, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Care, School of Law, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Biomedical Sciences and London School of Film, Media and Design. buy Thames Valley University certificate.
In 1991, Ealing College of Higher Education, Thames Valley College of Higher Education, Queen Charlotte’s College of Healthcare and London College of Music merged to form West London Polytechnic. Two years later, the polytechnic became a university under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and adopted the name Thames Valley University (TVU). In 1994 the university merged with Northwick Park School of Nursing, Riverside School of Nursing and the AIDS unit of the North West Thames Regional Authority. In 1995 it merged with the Berkshire School of Nursing and Midwifery.