Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin degree
Fake Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin degree for sale, Where to make Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin Urkunde from Germay? Buy fake SHB certificate. Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (SHB) (or Steinbeis University) is a private German university of applied sciences founded in 1998. The university is based in Berlin and has supplementary campuses in Baden-Württemberg. The university mainly offers extra-occupational study courses in economics. It offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctorate programs.
The Secretary of State at the time, Erich Thies, was a strong advocate of the university. After discussion with the Berlin State Senate, Steinbeis received state approval to move forward with SHB. The university opened in autumn of 1998 offering the MBE (Master of Business and Engineering). Buy Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich diploma online.
1999 saw the introduction of the MedienMBA, the first MBA for senior managers working in the German media. I need to order a Steinbeis University Berlin diploma certificate. In 2000 SHB added MBA degrees for Chinese executives and German fast-track employees. In 2001 SHB launched its first bachelor’s degree program.
Until this university of applied sciences lost its right to award doctorates in 2016, it offered doctoral programs (PhD or the German PhD equivalent Dr. rer. oec.). Since then, doctoral programs have continued to be offered, but always in cooperation with and with a degree certificate from partner universities in other European countries.