Purchase a Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg diploma online.

Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg diploma

Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg diploma, PH Freiburg Urkunde.

The Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (PH FR) (fr. Haute École pédagogique Fribourg, HEP FR) is a bilingual higher education university located in Freiburg, Canton Fribourg. What’s the process to order a Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg diploma? How easy to get the Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg Urkunde? The university was founded in 2001 as a former state teacher training college. The administration is located in a villa built in the mid-19th century for Count Amédée de Diesbach-Belleroche, in a magnificent park on the Murtengasse.

The university offers secondary and further education training for pre-school and primary school teachers as well as teachers at all levels. The university cooperates with the University of Freiburg. The Institute for Multilingual Studies was established together with the Canton of Freiburg and the Adolf Merkel Foundation and has been designated as a national multilingual competence center by the federal government since 2010. In addition, competence centers for media and information technology and related aspects of communication technology (ICT) have been established.

The Pedagogical University of Freiburg offers courses in French and German.

Training to become a primary school teacher (1st + 2nd cycle): Through 6 semesters of full-time study, the trainee is qualified to teach all subjects in the entire primary school and obtains the academic qualification. Make PH Freiburg certificate online, Buy fake University of Education Freiburg degree. Bachelor of Arts in Pre-school and Primary Education. This teaching diploma is recognized throughout Switzerland.

The basic training course includes about 15% of courses in other languages. The training can also be bilingual and leads to a bilingual diploma (qualification to teach in two language areas and impart bilingual/immersion teaching skills). Training to become a teacher at the secondary level (art design/technical design/home economics). The study course at the secondary level is based on an agreement with the University of Freiburg. Courses are conducted in German and French. The subjects can be studied as part of a Bachelor of Arts (Ba_SI) or Bachelor of Science (BSc_SI) to the extent of 50 or 30 ECTS respectively (home economics or technical design). It is possible to study 35 ECTS (art design).