How to buy FETAC Certificate online?

FETAC Certificate

How to buy FETAC Certificate online

FETAC is a single statutory awarding body for further education and training. Its main activities are to award, determine and promote awards. Buy FETAC certificate online. The criteria for awards will be determined by FETAC in partnership with education, training and industry.  The homepage introduces FETAC, provides a list of over 200 qualifications and what they mean, a newsletter, links to national and international partners and a link to the Higher Education Linkages Programme (NCCA). This database enables learners who have achieved a specific NCVA qualification to apply for higher education places at a range of higher education institutions (250 courses are listed). Reliable source for purchasing FETAC certificates。

How to buy FETAC Certificate online

In addition to awarding awards, FETAC validates, monitors and assures the quality of teaching programmes and sets standards.

FETAC itself does not deliver education and training programmes; these are delivered by a number of bodies in the public and private sectors. Public sector teaching bodies include Bord Iascaigh Mhara, CERT, FÁS, Teagasc, the Vocational Education Board and Technical Colleges.

The qualifications awarded by FETAC fall within the ten-level National Qualifications Framework set by the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland. FETAC certificates fall within levels 1 to 6 of the framework.